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Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Who are the Club Ed Staff?

A: Club Ed is staffed with childcare professionals with a vast variety of backgrounds. Club Ed hires certified teachers and paraprofessionals from your child's school. Each program has a Site Supervisor that oversees the daily operations of that program. Educators and Certified Teachers assist students with homework, plan activities, and keep students engaged. All Club Ed Staff are certified in pediatric first aid and CPR and go through multiple background checks and fingerprinting clearances. The safety of the students in our program is our number 1 priority.

Q: Do you provide a snack after school?

A: We provide one individual snack and one drink daily. Some examples are apple slices, graham crackers, muffins, string cheese, apple juice, milk, and water. These are just examples and other snacks may also be given. We are a nut free program and conscience of any allergies your child may have. We encourage you to send additional snacks in their backpacks if you believe one snack and juice is not enough.  All we ask is that it is nut free and your child does not share it with other children.

Q: What does a typical day look like?

A: First, attendance is taken and students use the bathroom and wash their hands. Snack time then gives students a chance to socialize with their friends and fuel their bodies and brains. After snack, students are given at least 30-45 minutes of quiet homework time to complete their homework. Students without homework may read, draw, or enjoy another quiet individual activity. After homework time, students participate in different activities such as arts & crafts, games, structured recreation, and outdoor play. 


Q: What is the cancellation policy?

A: You may cancel Club Ed during the school year. You must give 2 weeks notice BEFORE the 1st of the month to cancel service for the following month in order to receive a refund of your deposit. If you do not give 2 weeks notice before the 1st, your deposit will be applied to the following month and your child will be able to attend Club Ed until the last day of the following month. For example, if you email us to cancel for March on February 10th, you will receive a refund of your deposit and your child's last day will be February 28th. If you email us to cancel on February 20th, your deposit will be applied to March and your child will be able to attend Club Ed until March 31. Notice must be given prior to February 14th. 


Q: Can you fill out my dependent reimbursement form for my employer?

A: Yes, we can fill out and sign dependent reimbursement forms. Please email them to the Director of School Based Services, Carla Rudow, at Once sent, please allow 3-5 business days for them to be returned to you.


Q: Can I take photos of my child at Club Ed or post on my personal social media?

A: We do not allow photos to be taken by parents. Club Ed staff have consent from certain parents for their child's photo to be taken by Club Ed staff for Club Ed use only. Parents/Families are not allowed to photograph Club Ed children during our program and post on their personal social media. 


Q: Is there Club Ed on the half day?

A: Palisades Park, Fairview - When there is a half day of school, there is NO Club Ed. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up at school dismissal.

Edgewater - Club Ed is offered on half days, please make sure to pack a lunch for your child on these days. There is NO Club Ed on the half days before Thanksgiving and Winter breaks, and the half days at the end of the school year in June.




Q: I wanted automatic payments, why am I receiving an invoice?

A: If you skipped the question on the application and did not circle "yes" or "no" when asked if you wanted to be enrolled in automatic payments, you will receive monthly invoices to pay your tuition online.


Q: Can I have a receipt of the tuition I paid for my child for tax purposes?

A: If tuition was paid in full, at the time of payment process a receipt will be emailed to the primary emailed provided on the enrollment application.  We do not provide tax receipts. Each month when your tuition is paid, our system automatically generates a receipt that is emailed to you. This receipt has our full name, address, and tax ID number. Please save these emails for your records.


Q: I did not get my receipt, now what?

A: Check your spam/junk mail.  Search under Club Ed or JFCS, Jewish Family & Children’s Service, or


Q: My child receives subsidy from Office for Children or Urban League, am I responsible for any payment?

A: You will be responsible for the registration fee if OFC or UL does not pay it. You will also be responsible for any co-pays. You must also swipe your child in and out of the program daily. If you do not swipe your child, you will be responsible for tuition as the subsidy program only pays for days that the parent swipes. Any unpaid days become the responsibility of the parent.


Q: My child’s entire class/school is required to quarantine due to illness outbreak and cannot attend in-person learning until a certain date. Can I get a refund for the Club Ed days missed?

A: As long as the parent informs us as soon as they are informed about the required quarantine, we will issue a tuition credit towards the following month’s tuition for the missed time. If the quarantine is required due to travel or personal choice, we cannot issue a credit.


Q: Can I register for less than 5 days a week, I only need 2 days?

A: At this time, we only offer a 5 day per week option. Your child can attend as little or as many days as you need, however the cost is the same. 


Q: Is there a different price if I pick my child up by 4?

A: In Palisades Park and Fairview we offer 1 pickup time which is 6pm. You can pick your child up any time from dismissal until 6pm, but the cost is the same.

In Edgewater, we offer a 6pm or a 7pm pickup time. The 7pm time is an additional $80 per child per month. If you do not opt for the 7pm pickup, you can pick your child up any time from dismissal until 6pm, but the cost is the same.


Q: My child is in Pre-K, but still wears pull ups, can they participate in Club Ed?

A: No, all children in Club Ed must be completely toilet trained and able to use the bathroom independently.

Club Ed as of 1.2021.png

What are you doing 

after school today?

Club Ed is an award-winning
(and fun!) afterschool program
for students in Pre-K – 6th grade

All Club Ed programs are licensed by the State of New Jersey and strictly adhere to state guidelines, which include 5 years and older a 1:15 adult to child ratio; 2 1/2 years up to 4 years 1:10 adult to child ratioand 4 years 1:12 adult to child ratio .

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